Chris Dean

Chris Dean, CEO and Co-Founder of Treasury Prime
Chris Dean, CEO and Co-Founder of Treasury Prime

Chris Dean is the CEO and Co-founder of Treasury Prime, a cutting-edge banking platform dedicated to shaping the future of financial services. With a background in startup ventures and the financial services industry, Chris has witnessed the fragmentation within the banking sector and recognized the potential to streamline and unify it for the benefit of all stakeholders. Through Treasury Prime’s top-tier API, Chris and his team empower fintech companies and banks with economic efficiencies and innovative product offerings previously thought unattainable.

Driven by a mission to simplify and enhance the management, accessibility, and growth of money for individuals, Chris is leading the charge to revolutionize the financial services landscape. His passion lies in creating a unified ecosystem that transforms how people interact with their finances, making it more intuitive and empowering. To learn more about Chris Dean’s visionary work and the team of talented individuals at Treasury Prime, visit For discussions on startups, financial services, banking, or even to catch a glimpse of his beloved dog, Yoshi, feel free to connect with Chris.