Kosala Hemachandra

Kosala Hemachandra, CEO, MyEtherWallet
Kosala Hemachandra, CEO, MyEtherWallet

Kosala Hemachandra is the Founder and CEO of MyEtherWallet, a popular open-source interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain. With a background in Computer Engineering from California State University, Northridge, Kosala has extensive experience in the computer software industry, skilled in programming languages like C++, Linux, JavaScript, as well as software development and management.

Kosala is an experienced founder with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. As the founder and CEO of MyEtherWallet, he has built a leading platform that allows users to easily access and manage their Ethereum-based assets. Under his leadership, MyEtherWallet has become a trusted and widely-used tool in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Outside of his work at MyEtherWallet, Kosala is also known for his expertise in areas like blockchain technology, decentralized finance, and cryptocurrency. He is a respected figure in the crypto community and is often sought out for his insights and perspectives on the latest developments in the space.