Rami Al Karmi

Rami Al Karmi, Exec Chairman @ Ab(new)normal Disruptors
Rami Al Karmi, Exec Chairman @ Ab(new)normal Disruptors

Rami Al Karmi is Exec Chairman @ Ab(new)normal Disruptors , Exponential Growth Mindset & Business Models Innovation using (AI, Blockchain, DeFi) in; FinTech, EdTech, Islamic Finance & Future of Work | VC | TEDx & Keynote Speaker

Rami Al Karmi is a distinguished futurist, investor, executive coach, advisor, and innovation strategist. He is the Executive Chairman of Ab(new)normal Ventures – a Venture Capital & Corporate Innovation Studio founded by Rami to focus on AI, Blockchain, DeFi, and Web3-based Digital Twin Exponential Business Model Ventures in FinTech, EdTech, and the Future of Work. Rami is also the author of the forthcoming book “AB(NEW)NORMAL – How to Evolve Your Mindset and Business Out of Hunger Games!” [ISBN 978-1-7361597-0-5].

Rami also serves as a Professor of Practice in Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Director of the Online Learning Center OLC@HTU at Al Hussein Technical University (HTU). As a sought-after speaker, he travels extensively to discuss breakthrough technologies, cross-industry innovation, and lean exponential business models.

Rami previously held the position of Senior Vice President and Group Chief Innovation Officer at Jordan Ahli Bank, and Founding CEO of Ahli FinTech. He made history as the 1st person to be approved by the Central Bank of Jordan for a C-level Chief Innovation Officer role in a bank. During his tenure, he co-founded AnaMeen.me, the first AI & Blockchain-based customer identity verification platform (eKYC-as-a-service) in the Arab world.

Rami is a TEDx Speaker and Innovation X speaker at NASA’s cross-industry innovation summit. He is also a mentor at Outlier Ventures and Unreasonable Future, and serves on numerous boards, including the Islamic Development Bank Institute (IsDBI), Fintech Galaxy, Al Raed Arabi School, and Think Barter Network (TBN).

Rami founded his 1st startup at the age of 19, he holds an Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Jordan, and completed the Venture Capital Executive Program at HAAS UC Berkeley, and “The Leading for the future”, and “The Leading, Organizing for Action” Executive Programs at Harvard Kennedy School, and the Senior Executive Program at UC San Diego, and is an Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) Certified code of ethics Practitioner.

Rami is a passionate advocate of First Principle Thinking, Exponential Organizations (ExO), and Lean Startup movements and is a regular judge, mentor & keynote speaker at the region’s main innovation, entrepreneurship & technology events. He designed and produced a number of events and interventions in this space, including the Ab(new)normal Talks Series, Startups Screwupedia, Master JEDI Pitching, LeanStartupProgram, and his popular innovation/futurist talks on the future of various industries.