Amanda Swoverland

Amanda Swoverland
Amanda Swoverland

Amanda Swoverland is an accomplished professional with a wealth of experience in the financial industry, currently serving as the Chief Compliance Officer at Unit in St Paul, Minnesota, United States. With a strong background in risk management and compliance, Amanda has a proven track record of leading successful initiatives in ensuring regulatory adherence and mitigating risks within financial institutions.

Amanda’s dedication to promoting ethical practices and regulatory compliance is evident throughout her career. Prior to her role at Unit, she held significant positions at Sunrise Banks, where she served as the Chief Risk Officer, overseeing risk operations, compliance, BSA/AML, fraud, and enterprise risk management. Her leadership was instrumental in enhancing the bank’s risk management capabilities and ensuring a robust compliance framework.

With over a decade of experience in the financial sector, Amanda has honed her skills in managing compliance, risk operations, and third-party risk management. Her tenure at Sunrise Banks showcased her expertise in implementing and improving compliance programs to meet regulatory standards effectively. Amanda’s commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and accountability has been a driving force behind her successful career in compliance and risk management.

Amanda is also an advocate for education and awareness on critical financial issues. Her recent publication, “Thick Red Line,” delves into the long-standing issue of redlining and its contemporary implications. By offering her book for free on Amazon and advocating for real solutions to combat redlining, Amanda demonstrates her dedication to fostering change and promoting financial inclusivity.

In addition to her professional accomplishments, Amanda is deeply involved in the financial community, actively participating in discussions on embedded finance and sustainable products. Her insights on how embedded finance is reshaping financial services underscore her commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends and driving positive change in the financial landscape.

Amanda Swoverland’s career trajectory exemplifies her unwavering commitment to excellence, compliance, and financial education. With a passion for addressing critical issues in the financial sector and a proven track record of leadership, Amanda continues to make a significant impact in the industry through her expertise, advocacy, and dedication to advancing ethical practices and regulatory compliance.

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