Amit Sharma

Amit Sharma , Founder and CEO of FinClusive
Amit Sharma , Founder and CEO of FinClusive

Amit Sharma is Founder and CEO of FinClusive and has engaged in a myriad of roles that intersect financial markets, risk management , regulatory compliance , and international development.

He is the Founder and CEO of FinClusive, a hybrid financial-technology and regulatory technology (fintech/regtech) company that provides a compliant gateway between traditional financial services and digital assetes cosystems including blockchain-enabled networks and decentralized financial services (Defi)—with an embedded full-stack global-standard financial crimes compliance (FCC) platform.

Prior to FinClusive, Amit worked in both the public and private sectors, including with: Mitsubishi UFJ as the global lead of new products and the Chief of Staff to the Head of Global Markets and Intl.

Business Units; Command Global Services as Chief of Operations, and at the US Treasury Department, first at the inception of the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (TFI), and later as COS to the Deputy Secretary and Advisor to Treasury’s senior team under Secretary   Henry  Paulson.