Santiago Vinoth Jeyaseelan

Santiago Vinoth Jeyaseelan, VP of Product Management & Design
Santiago Vinoth Jeyaseelan, VP of Product Management & Design

Santiago Vinoth Jeyaseelan is a seasoned product leader based in Oakland, California, United States. He serves as the VP of Product at Gainbridge®, a company under Group 1001, specializing in insurtech and fintech.

With a deep knowledge of product development, Santiago excels in strategizing and implementing plans effectively. He leads the product and design teams at Gainbridge®, focusing on creating top-notch products for a wide range of clients, including consumers, businesses, and innovators.

Santiago’s expertise lies in mapping out strategic paths and translating them into successful tactical executions. As a member of the Forbes Technology Council, he is well-versed in the latest trends and innovations in the tech industry. Santiago Vinoth Jeyaseelan’s dedication to building best-in-class products showcases his commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of product leadership.