Muhammad Ikram Thowfeek

Muhammad Ikram Thowfeek
Muhammad Ikram Thowfeek

Muhammad Ikram Thowfeek is a seasoned professional with extensive experience in the field of setting up Islamic Banks (IBs) and Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) from the ground up. He takes each day as an opportunity to learn and grow, embracing it as a continuous learning lab. With over two and a half decades of practical experience, Muhammad has navigated through the complexities of establishing IBs and IFIs from diverse perspectives such as strategy, IT, accounting, retail and corporate banking, investment banking, training, career development, and structuring.

Throughout his career, Muhammad has accumulated a wealth of knowledge, experience, and exposure in the realm of Islamic finance. He is passionate about sharing his insights with individuals keen on capitalizing on the vast growth potentials and opportunities within the multi-trillion-dollar Islamic Finance Industry. His mission in life reflects his core values: “To be humble, be simple, and be a community asset.”

Muhammad Ikram is associated with MIT Global Group and is a member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants – Sri Lanka. His dedication to humility, simplicity, and community service shines through in both his professional endeavors and personal ethos. With a deep-rooted commitment to giving back to society, Muhammad strives to be a positive influence and a valuable resource within his community.

Driven by a strong sense of purpose, Muhammad approaches each task with diligence, integrity, and a commitment to excellence. His proficiency in establishing and nurturing relationships is evident from his extensive network, comprising over 6,500 followers and 500+ connections.

In summary, Muhammad Ikram Thowfeek is a dynamic professional with a profound understanding of the intricacies of the Islamic finance sector. His journey is marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, a drive for continuous improvement, and a steadfast dedication to serving his community. Through his work and values, Muhammad exemplifies the essence of being a humble, simple, and invaluable community asset.

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