Payment Service A3


A3 Payment Service is a privately held Moscow-based company specializing in mobile and internet payment solutions. With a focus on optimizing regular payments, A3 develops technological products that streamline the process of paying for services through familiar channels. As a financial services provider in Moscow within the Central Federal District, A3 boasts a following of 226 individuals and employs between 51 to 200 professionals.

At the core of A3’s offerings is their innovative technology, which caters to utility and government payments across the entire country. The A3 platform is a new, secure, and modern system that enables convenient payments for a range of services including utility bills, mobile phone services, internet, television, and more. This system empowers users to make payments at any time and from any location, enhancing the overall payment experience for individuals and businesses alike.

With a commitment to providing efficient and user-friendly payment solutions, A3 stands out as a leading player in the mobile and internet payments sector in Russia. By bridging the gap between consumers and service providers, A3 facilitates seamless transactions and enhances the convenience of managing financial obligations. Through its dedication to innovation and convenience, A3 continues to shape the landscape of payment technology, offering reliable and secure solutions for individuals and businesses throughout the country.

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