Yannick Del Ponte

Yannick Del Ponte
Yannick Del Ponte

Yannick Del Ponte is a seasoned executive with over 20 years of experience in multinational companies. As the CEO Country Manager & Executive Board Member, he has demonstrated dynamic and performance-driven leadership, particularly in the financial services sector. His expertise spans the full credit cycle, from credit analysis to Deputy General Director responsibilities, showcasing a deep understanding of operations and financial management.

Yannick’s track record includes successfully leading teams for startup ventures, overseeing branch expansions, and developing strategic plans for banks and financial institutions. He is known for his proficiency in designing and implementing policies and procedures tailored to business and market requirements, in compliance with regulatory bodies such as CNBV and CONDUSEF. His dedication to supporting daily operations while aligning with long-term corporate goals sets him apart as a results-oriented leader.

With extensive international and domestic experience, Yannick brings valuable insights and a global perspective to his role. His cross-cultural competence and proven ability to navigate diverse business environments make him a sought-after professional in the industry. Yannick’s commitment to operational excellence, coupled with his strategic vision, positions him as a respected leader in the field of financial services.

About ID Finance:

ID Finance Mexico at Mintos
ID Finance, the emerging markets fintech pioneer, has expanded its presence at Mintos platform with a launch of its’ Mexican business. The announcement comes a few days after the company disclosed a ‘pivotal moment’ for Latam fintech as ID Finance revenue in region climbs 403%, and represents another key milestone as it continues its aggressive global expansion.
Brand and Product
Finance Mexico operates under the Moneyman brand. It was launched in the second half of 2017. This is the flagship project of the company. IDF is usually starting the operations in each new country with Moneyman. Most often, as in the case of Mexico, Moneyman provides people with convenient service to get a short term loan to cover their daily or unexpected expenses. In 2018, moneyman.com.mx had more than 1.1 million visits, which speaks for a high demand for alternative lending services in the region.
The rapid turnover of funds, operational excellence, which includes a rigorous approach to cost control, allow the company to offer a high-interest rate on investment proposals: 10% in euro and 18% in Mexican pesos.
Mexican fintech market at a glance
Country overview: With a population of 127 million and 61 percent of adults lacking a bank account according to the World Bank, Mexico represents one of the largest opportunities for fintech in Latin America. Mexico’s low bank branch coverage – 14 branches per 100,000 inhabitants compared to 33 in the US – together with an underdeveloped transport infrastructure further exacerbates the need for fintech services.
Mexico is expected to have 91.6m active internet users by 2021 and 75.4m smartphone users by 2022. Proposed government reforms centered on financial inclusion and upcoming regulatory changes are driving the development of the sector.

  • 2016 GDP of $1.046 trillion (World Bank)
  • 2016 Population: 127.5 million (World Bank)
  • 61%, 77.7 million unbanked (World Bank)
  • 44.6 million smartphone owners, a 35% penetration (Pew Research Centre)
  • 68.8 million internet users, a 54% penetration (Pew Research Centre)
  • 25% credit card penetration (World Bank Findex, AMI analysis)
  • Mexico accounts for about 2.6% of the 2 billion unbanked adults worldwide (World Bank)

Fintech sector overview

  • Mexico attracted $72 million in VC investment in 2016 (Deloitte)
  • There are 238 fintechs in Mexico making it the largest fintech ecosystem in LatAm ahead of Brazil with 230 (IDB & Finnovista)
  • The Mexican fintech sector has grown 50% in less than a year with 80 new fintechs emerging (IDB & Finnovista)
  • Mexico City is the hub of fintech innovation in Mexico
  • The clip which provides credit card readers for mobiles is one of Mexico’s most successful fintechs
  • and one of the biggest digital payment providers in the country

IT and Risk management

The core of ID Finance’s business in Mexico is its proprietary risk management system, which uses machine learning and advanced data science techniques for credit scoring. The company has one of the best performing risk management systems in the industry and is able to reach profitability within a year of launching into a new market. ID Finance uses its own solutions as well as several data providers that feed our internal score. There are IP identification, government databases for identifying the customer, credit bureaus data and banking information.

Besides, ID Finance transforms customer authentication with behavioral biometrics. The smart software studies the unique typing and behavioral patterns like mouse movements and finger’s interaction with a keyboard. These patterns cannot be faked making behavioral biometrics one of the strongest forms of authentication. The intelligent scoring engine analyses the vast amounts of unstructured data, detecting atypical behavior or anomalies, boosting risk assessment efficiency by 50 percent.
We have also developed application software that offers the user a financial product depending on his consumption profile and current needs, based on hundreds of variables.

One more of our development is an AI-powered client assistant – an automated system based on artificial intelligence. Unloads customer service, and reduces expenses, and makes clients happy.

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