Pioneering the Future: Anna De Sheds Light on Women in Fintech

Anna De Product manager meta
Anna De Sheds Light on Women in Fintech

Anna De, an accomplished Product and FinTech leader, is set to participate in the esteemed FiNext Conference, adding her wealth of experience and insights to the discussions at the intersection of Finance and Technology.

Anna’s distinguished career includes key roles at PayPal and Meta (Facebook), where she has been a driving force behind innovative payment products across global markets.

Anna De stands out as a leader in the FinTech space, recognized for her expertise in building sophisticated global products in P2P, B2B, and B2B2C domains.

With over a decade of experience, she has consistently led payment product innovation, covering areas such as Remittance, Peer-to-Peer, Checkout, and Ads billing. Anna has catered to consumers and SMBs across an impressive 120+ markets worldwide.

“I am excited to be part of the FiNext Conference and engage in discussions that delve into the future of Finance and Technology. It’s an opportunity to share insights, exchange ideas, and contribute to the vibrant dialogue on the evolving landscape of FinTech,” expressed Anna De.

Professional Journey

Anna’s professional journey is marked by a commitment to driving payment product innovation. Her tenure at PayPal included leading the geo-expansion of cross-border payments, showcasing her strategic vision in navigating the complexities of global markets. At Meta (Facebook), she spearheaded payment products across Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram, contributing to the company’s footprint in the FinTech industry.

Advocacy for Diversity & Inclusion: Beyond her impactful professional endeavors, Anna De passionately advocates for gender balance and diversity & inclusion. Her advocacy reflects in her commitment to fostering diverse perspectives within the FinTech landscape, ensuring an inclusive approach to innovation.

Global Perspective: Anna brings a unique blend of global perspectives to the FinTech landscape, with experiences touching on Europe, West Africa, and Silicon Valley. Her diverse background enriches her understanding of the intricacies of different markets, contributing to her success in navigating the global FinTech arena.

About META (Facebook): META, formerly known as Facebook, is a global technology company that focuses on building products to connect people. Anna De’s leadership at META has been instrumental in driving innovation in the payment products domain.

About FiNext Conference:

FiNext Conference is a global platform that brings together professionals, thought leaders, and innovators from the finance and technology sectors. The conference aims to foster collaboration, facilitate knowledge exchange, and explore the transformative potential of emerging trends in finance


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