Daniel Polotsky

Daniel Polotsky
Daniel Polotsky

Innovator in Finance Award Winner -Daniel Polotsky, CEO at CoinFlip.

Daniel Polotsky, a 3rd degree connection on LinkedIn, is the Founder & Chairman of the Board at CoinFlip. He started the company while in his sophomore year at Northwestern University, launching it from his dorm room. Initially serving as the first CEO, Daniel, along with his co-founders Kris Dayrit, Alan Gurevich, and Ben Weiss, managed to bootstrap CoinFlip by several million percent from 2015 to 2022 without raising any investor capital. Despite the absence of external funding, CoinFlip rapidly emerged as the fastest-growing company in Chicago and the Midwest, with a current workforce of 250 employees.

Throughout his entrepreneurial journey, Daniel’s leadership and strategic vision have been instrumental in the company’s success. His innovative approach and dedication to scaling CoinFlip into a thriving business reflect his commitment to excellence and drive for continuous growth. With a strong foundation built on hard work, determination, and resilience, Daniel Polotsky continues to steer CoinFlip towards new heights of success in the cryptocurrency industry.

About CoinFlip

CoinFlip strive to provide the best cash to crypto experience possible. Our next-generation terminals have never made purchasing and selling cryptocurrency easier. Skip the long onboarding times of traditional exchanges and join the revolution. It’s never too late.

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