The Future of Global Investments and the Role of Ideas, by Stephan Horvath

Stephan Horvath interviewed to Finext
Stephan Horvath interviewed to Finext

During the FiNext Conference in Dubai, we got the chance to interview Mr Stephan Horvath, the founder of Ideations. Stephan highlighted his vision for the future of global investments and liquidity, as well as his personal and professional growth through his involvement in the conference, as a seasoned professional with considerable experience in network agencies and consulting businesses.

Stephan emphasised Dubai’s function as a #financial hub and a hotspot for fintech innovation in the Middle East when asked about the congruence between the #FiNext Conference and his vision for the future of international investments. He emphasised that holding a fintech conference in Dubai offers a chance to present the most recent developments and trends in the sector and draws foreign investors, businesspeople, and thought leaders. Stephan further noted that the conference can act as a catalyst for fostering advantageous interactions across Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, which will make it easier to establish international business alliances and investments.

Stephan talked about how his participation in the #FiNext Conference helped him advance both personally and professionally. He may broaden his expertise, keep up with the most recent developments by attending conferences like FiNext, and obtain insightful advice from subject matter experts and business executives. He also emphasised the chances for networking that conferences offer, which enable him to meet other professionals who share his interests and find potential mentors and partners. Stephan thinks that creating a solid network can result in new opportunities, alliances, and professional progress.

Stephan indicated his interest in learning more about upcoming issues and developments in the fintech sector. He emphasised that the #FiNext Conference is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the revolutionary role that artificial intelligence has played in the financial industry, as well as the advantages, difficulties, and ethical issues surrounding its application.

When questioned about his plans for networking and making contacts at the conference, Stephan reaffirmed his enthusiasm for picking up knowledge from others, exchanging ideas, and having discussions. He thinks that networking with other professionals, experts in the field, and participants can result in fresh ideas, alliances, or creative projects.

In addition, Stephan discussed some of the important lessons he learned from his time working for network agencies and consulting companies. He emphasised the value of adopting an innovative culture, placing an emphasis on strategic alliances, and safeguarding intellectual property. He urged businesses to promote an inventive culture that values trying new things and learning from mistakes. He also emphasised the importance of establishing strong intellectual property protection methods and the benefit of utilising strategic relationships to work with other businesses, startups, and industry experts.

Stephan explained how Ideations was founded, highlighting the crucial role Dubai had in their journey. As the previous CEO of IPG Digital and Media Services, Stephan developed connections with multinational businesses and clients while promoting their agency to clients from various industries. To provide value for their clients, he said that Ideations wants to connect knowledge, investor relations, and tech clients. To do this, they combine data science with attractive content and communication methods.

Stephan referred to the professional assistance provided by Ideations to its tech clients and funds in areas like pitch document alignment, investor strategy, communication, pitch training, and support during the due diligence phase. He also emphasised their part in helping his clients discover partners and collaborative ventures.

Stephan talked about the difficulties he’s had in managing and leading teams from various cultural backgrounds and how he overcame them. To negotiate differences and foster mutual respect, he emphasised the value of open and inclusive communication, encouraging active listening, and developing cultural intelligence. He also emphasised the value of promoting cross-cultural interaction and team-building exercises to strengthen bonds and close cultural gaps.

When questioned about major projects or efforts where Ideations has significantly influenced the business and innovation strategies of its customers or funds, Stephan cited confidentiality agreements that prevent him from mentioning specific companies without their consent. But he did say once that he was willing to share success tales.

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